Sunday, 17 February 2008

Exec-Appointments acquired by the Financial Times

The Financial Times has acquired senior management job-board as an ideal vehicle for developing its non-print recruitment business.

There are clear synergies between the two businesses. The FT's global presence, brand profile and financial recruitment capability is complemented by's strength in senior non-financial jobs. In addition, the acquisition also provides the FT with an established technology platform for further developments.

FT CEO John Riddings commented: “Online recruitment is a key growth area and while the Financial Times is highly successful in print-based recruitment, this acquisition will allow us to crack the burgeoning web-based sector. We can extend the business into Asia and the US and seriously upgrade our recruitment and training offering to both customers and advertisers.
“We've been aware that we needed to upgrade our general online recruitment offering,” he continued. “With no clear leader in the sector, we believe that exec-appointments will rapidly step into the breach.”

exec-appointments' CEO Betty Thayer believes the move will increase the site's appeal to larger corporate clients, as well as providing the opportunity to develop new products for both FT audiences and existing customers.